Reproductive vulnerability

  • Reproductive vulnerability assessment for determining impact of climate variability on species-specific breeding periodicity and spawning success
  • Methodology for determining Kspawn50 and threshold GSI as a future reference for assessing climate driven changes on gonadal maturation and spawning pattern of fishes
  • Parameterization of body girth (Girthspawn50) for giving specific recommendations on mesh size regulation during the breeding season for conservation
  • Regional climate inclined to fulfil climate requirement through the significant part of the breeding season for Indian river shad
  • Overfishing was found as a bigger threat along with climate change
  • Minnows & Carplets more resilient to climatic variability and negligible threat of regional climate change patterns on natural recruitment
  • Narrow GSIspawn50 temperature window indicated that Asia leaf fish more vulnerable to climate change

GAM model showing threshold GSI for spawning of M. cavasius in River Ganga