• Sensitization and capacity building of stakeholders on climate change impacts and adaptation/mitigation strategies is crucial for resilience
  • Climate smart model wetland villages developed in West Bengal, Assam and Kerala through demonstration of adaptation strategies and capacity building programmes
  • National level campaign on “Climate-Resilient Inland Fisheries” was carried out in more than 30 locations to sensitize and create awareness among the fishers at various floodplain wetlands and coastal wetlands
  • Scientists’-Fishers’-Interaction Session was held during the occasions to discuss the problems and issues faced by the fishers and the mitigation strategies to cope up the threats due to climate change
  • Awareness programme and training on climate adaptation strategies viz. Pen culture, Cage culture and CBF were conducted for fishers
  • More than 3000 small-scale fishers and farmers were sensitized/trained during the project period

Field Training

Awareness campaign

Sensitization programme