
  • Field survey, site selection and installation of climate resilient pen culture systems
  • Fish seed stocking, monitoring and demonstration of CRPS in floodplain wetlands of West Bengal (7 wetlands) and Assam (1 wetland)
  • Installation and demonstration of climate resilient species in cage culture system in Media wetland of West Bengal
  • Stocking of climate resilient fish in wetlands of West Bengal and Kerala to demonstrate the culture-based fisheries
  • Survey to document opinions of fisher folks on potential candidate fish species that are both commercially lucrative and stress tolerant (thermal, water)
  • Five National campaigns on climate smart fisheries in floodplain and coastal wetlands of West Bengal and Kerala
  • Six On-Field Fisher’s Sensitization Programme on climate smart fisheries in different wetlands of West Bengal and Assam
  • Selection of sampling sites including open and closed type of wetlands (47-Morakolong, Urmal, Chatla, Charan and Jaluguti) for carbon sequestration studies. Soil, water and aquatic macrophyte samples were collected from Morigaon and Kamrup districts of Assam
  • Soil, macrophyte and water samples from floodplain wetlands in West Bengal (5)- Bhomra, Raja, Borty and Beraberia and Vembanad lake of Kerala were collected to generate pilot-scale information on wetland carbon pool and C sinking capacity
  • Estimation of Greenhouse Gas Emission from two floodplain wetlands (Khalsi and Bhomra) from West Bengal in three different seasons and from the corresponding reference upland sites
  • Selection of wetlands and sampling sites and collection of samples for methanogens and methanotrophs community structure from floodplain wetland, sewage fed wetland and brackish water wetland
  • Procurement of regional climate data and analysis to study climate change trends and anomalies
  • Development of methodology for assessing vulnerability of floodplain wetlands by combining stakeholder perception and ecological approaches
  • Assessment of ecosystem and fish species vulnerability through different indices and methods
  • Periodic sampling and collection of fish for reproductive and population vulnerability assessment
  • Exploratory survey of floodplain wetlands in West Bengal (47), Assam (5), Kerala (1), Bihar (19), Odisha (3) were carried out for assessment of vulnerability and ecosystem services
  • Assessment of socio-economic and livelihood vulnerability of inland fishers
  • Updation of database being done for small indigenous fish species (SIFs) to map their biological, ecological thresholds for spawning, climate referendum for breeding
  • Evaluation of fish species vulnerability to climatic variability
  • Impact assessment of climatic variability on other biotic community
  • Time series data collection of climatic parameters, environmental parameters and fisheries of floodplain wetlands, coastal wetlands and reservoirs of India